Monday, August 5, 2013

Cold & Disappointed

I’m smart. Really.

Just because one time, I was super excited that a car had the exact same license plate as my mom’s car—seriously! once in a lifetime sighting—does not mean I’m not smart. Maybe.

I had the opportunity to go to Washington D.C. last March. Not wanting to waste any days and mostly because the “snow storm to end all snow storms” was really just rain, I decided to brave the streets of D.C. and visit the White House.


Rather small. Very white. Why am I the only one here besides armed men? I could slip through this fence. Why is it so small? I must be lost. This is not the White House.

Overall, I was immensely disappointed by the White House. Also really cold.

The next day, I visited the Capitol. And realized, the Capitol was not the White House.


I blame Hollywood. Can we be clear on our location the next time someone tries to take over D.C.? Ok thank you.

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